Truly, to God we belong and truly to Him we shall return is a comprehensive resource for Muslims navigating the challenges around death

We're With You Every Step of The Way

Below are common topics that you can select to find more information.


Learn about important documents and arraignments you can take in advance


Here are the immediate steps you need to take in order to manage the funeral arrangements

Pre-Burial Preparation

Things to consider as you prepare the body prior to burial, including how to wash and prayer over the the body


What to expect during a burial and steps you can take to benefit your loved one

Post-Burial Support

How to handle to passing of a loved one from a mental, emotional, and practical prespective

Immediate Steps To Take After A Loved One Passes Away

When a loved one passes away, there a several people and organizations that you should contact immediately to ensure you are able to facilitate a speedy burial.

Narrated from Abu Hurairah that the Messenger of Allah (ﷺ) said:

‘Hasten with the funeral (procession), for if the person was righteous then you are advancing him towards good,..”

Hadith: Sahih; Sunan Ibn Majah, Vol. 1, Book 6, Hadith 1477


Key Contacts & Documents

Learn who to contact in different situations and what documents you need to manage a funeral

End of Life Concerns & Challenges

DNR, life support, and other important concerns that arise during end of life discussions

Organ & Tissue Donations

Get details on when you can be an organ donor and how to ensure you meet Islamic guidelines

Funeral & Burial Services

Important details about what to expect, costs, and steps to take to eliminate burial delays

Ghusl & Kafan

Guide to properly prepare the body for burial

Janazah (Funeral) Prayer

Learn when, where, and how to perform the funeral prayer


How to ensure a burial meets the Islamic guidelines

Grief & Mourning

Practical steps to take to help with processing the loss of a loved one

Estate & Finances

Learn about Islamic inheritance law and how to manage the legal and financial aspects of an estate

Benefit the Deceased

Comprehensive guide to honoring the death of you loved one through charity and prayer

Sadaqah Jariayah

Benefit your loved one by offering charity on their behalf. According to the Prophet Muhammed (S) there are several specific things you can do to benefit the deceased

Give Charity

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Make Dua'

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 Planning Ahead Alleviates Many Medical & Financial Challenges

Having estate documents and designations, including a will, advanced health directives, retirement and insurance plan beneficiaries can dramatically improved the ability for your loved one’s to handle the stress and challenges that happen.

muslim child praying

Grief & Healing Support

It is important to take a moment and assess your emotional and mental well-being and of those closest to you. Taking steps to process and grieve the death are important to eventually regaining some level of normalcy in the future. 

Who can I talk to about my grief?

The loss of a loved one impacts every person differently. In many cases, talking with a trusted friend or family can help; however, it many cases it may be helpful to seek the support of a grief counselor. These counselors are specifically trained to work with you to work through the challenges related to grief.

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Are there prayers I can make to help with healing?

The grief following the passing of a loved one can often be very challenging to bear. Here are some things you can do to help the mourning process as well as provide benefit to the deceased. 

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How should I help my family cope with a loss?

Depending on the circumstance, you may need to engage trained counselor to help the family navigate the grief and, in some cases, trauma associated with the loss. However, here are some ways to sympathy and provide comfort to the family of the deceased.

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